In today’s dynamic business landscape, the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity. As a dedicated CSR professional, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to fostering sustainable and ethical practices within corporate structures. My approach to CSR transcends traditional business goals, integrating social consciousness into the very fabric of organizational operations.

Welcome to a Journey of Impact and Value Creation



At the core of my philosophy is the belief that businesses have the power and responsibility to drive positive change in society. By embedding CSR into their strategic framework, companies can create a ripple effect of benefits. This includes enhanced brand reputation, increased customer loyalty, and a stronger connection with communities. My expertise lies in designing and implementing CSR initiatives that align with a company's vision while addressing societal needs. This synergy not only fortifies the company's standing in the market but also contributes to a more equitable and sustainable world.

Building Bridges Between Business and Society



The integration of CSR strategies is not just about doing good; it's about doing well by doing good. In my experience, companies that actively engage in CSR witness substantial long-term benefits. These range from attracting top talent passionate about making a difference, to accessing new markets with a conscience-driven approach. My role is to guide businesses in navigating the complexities of CSR, ensuring that their efforts are genuine, impactful, and aligned with global sustainability goals. The ultimate aim is to create a business environment where financial success and social responsibility go hand in hand, leading to a more prosperous and responsible corporate ecosystem.

A Catalyst for Sustainable Growth



I invite you to explore how your company can benefit from a robust CSR strategy. Together, we can embark on a journey that not only enhances your business’s performance but also contributes to a more sustainable and just world. Let's collaborate to turn corporate social responsibility into one of your company’s most valuable assets.

Invitation to Collaborate for a Better Future


My Experience


Current duties for BRICOS as CSR Lead:
  • Develops the overarching company strategy, while communicating and modeling the core values of the organization, to create a sense of teamwork and membership among employees
  • Recommends actions and initiatives to the owners with respect to further developing the Corporate Responsibility strategy, the Corporate Responsibility Principles, and Code of Ethics of the company
  • Ensures compliance with national Corporate Responsibility goals and keeps leadership informed of progress
  • Analyzes market and societal developments in the Corporate Responsibility area and proposes new strategies
  • Designs corporate annual engagement program with local community and stakeholder groups
  • Organizes annual volunteering and reforestation campaigns


Prior duties for the Sustentarse Consulting Group as a Consultant:
  • Managed a portfolio and defined Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability strategies for ten companies
  • Developed and delivered of Workshops on Social Responsibility and Environment issues for clients
  • Managed initiatives on Management of CSR, Ethics, Community Engagement, Work-Life Balance and Environmental initiatives
  • Organized volunteer events with over 500 participants
  • Managed applications and provided recommendations for companies to receive the “Socially Responsible Company” distinction granted by the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropia (CEMEFI), Mexico´s leading CSR distinction


Prior duties as Project Manager for the United Nations Environmental Program in Mexico:
  • Coordinated the Environmental and Climate Change Outlook study in the northern watersheds in the State of Mexico
  • Organized and delivered training workshops on the ECCO Methodology, Green Economy, and Climate Change
  • Editor of the Green Economy Study in Mexico published by UNEP in 2014
  • Hired and supervised Interns
  • Developed initiatives on various environmental issues such as sustainable development, green economy, sustainable production and consumption, ecosystem-based adaptation.

Additional Experience

I have further delineated the specific duties with regards to what I will be required to do in providing consulting services to my clients in the United States in order to assist them in meeting their corporate CSR goals. I provide the following insights that will inform my duties in my proposed endeavor as a professional in the field of CSR who will be a consultant and might, in the future, also accept a full-time position within a company to play a similar role to the one in which I have already achieved significant accomplishments.
  • Defining and developing the strategies which underpin a company’s CSR objectives
  • Conduct research, come up with ideas, develop policies, create detailed plans, build relationships with partner organizations
  • Implement and coordinate a range of activities and initiatives which are designed to have a positive impact on the environment and local communities
  • Act as an internal and external representative for your company’s CSR policies and projects
  • Responsible for raising awareness of your company’s commitment to CSR and generating publicity around organization’s altruistic endeavors
  • Responsible for recruiting, managing and training junior staff members
  • Understand goals of company with respect to CSR in areas of environment, human rights, diversity and equal opportunities, grass roots education or homelessness
  • Influence finance departments with regards to budgeting for CSR programs and working within budgetary constraints to achieve CSR goals
  • Develop trusted relationships with stakeholders who may not immediately trust that the company is genuine in what it’s trying to achieve
  • Produce sustainability report which is a mandatory compliance requirement in many businesses
  • Understand the business and what makes its business model work, and what are its mainstream risks and opportunities in order to propose CSR projects in keeping with its corporate identity and essence
  • Apply cost-benefit analysis to identifying suitable CSR program for the business to achieve sustainability as well as success
  • Engage stakeholders of the business and understand how they are affected by what the company does
  • Develop strategies – both external and internal – and put in place programs to achieve goals
  • Work within existing organizational processes within the company and find practical ways around inherent obstacles
  • Apply research skills to determine current trends and future needs within the communities in which the business operates
  • Analyze data and metrics to produce impact reports in order to drive the company’s performance for the future
  • Ensure real life outcomes of corporate CSR strategies are consistent with goals